1. Prayer for the trainees to diligently practice the cultivation of their spiritual capacity 2. Prayer for the saints to labor and endeavor consistently and persistently, not expecting quick results 3. Prayer for the saints to shepherd people out of love for them, an interest in them, a burden for them, and adequate prayer for them 4. Prayer for the saints to travail in birth over their spiritual children until Christ is formed in them 5. Prayer for the saints to foster the new believers as a nursing mother and as an exhorting father 6. Prayer for the saints to follow the apostle Paul’s pattern in boasting in those gained, perfected, and built up through him 7. Prayer for the saints to consider their spiritual children as their hope, joy, crown, and glory 8. Prayer for the saints to have a burden, an interest, and a care for people in order to gain them 9. Prayer for the saints to see that the way to bind the strong man is through prayer and fasting 10. Prayer for the saints to see that the Lord Jesus’ gospel preaching was His plundering of Satan’s house 11. Prayer for the saints to see the Lord Jesus’ work of freeing man from Satan’s usurpation 12. Prayer for the saints to realize that the preaching of the gospel is a warfare 13. Prayer for the saints to rise up to sow the seed of Christ into people regularly according to a schedule 14. Prayer for the saints to have an interest in people that they may sow the seed of Christ into them 15. Prayer for the saints to contact people in a spirit of prayer with endurance, praying for people by name 16. Prayer for the saints to sow the gospel seed by proclaiming the word in season and out of season 17. Prayer for the saints to realize that their sowing the gospel seed is to sow God’s word that conveys God’s life into people 18. Prayer for peoples’ hearts to be the good earth for the seed of Christ 19. Prayer for the saints to see that proclaiming the gospel is a sowing of the seed of Christ to bring in the kingdom of God 20. Prayer for the saints to see the need for both the fishing ministry and the mending ministry 21. Prayer for the saints to eagerly learn the principles needed to bring people to the Lord 22. Prayer for the saints to learn to know the different kinds of people in order to reach them 23. Prayer for the saints to see that their visiting people is their cooperation with the sanctifying Spirit to gain people 24. Prayer for the saints to be vitalized personally and with companions so that they might “go fishing” 25. Prayer for the saints to “go fishing” to contact people consistently until they gain someone 26. Prayer for the saints to realize that preaching the gospel is to be fishers of men 27. Prayer for the saints to proclaim the glad tidings of the gospel of peace 28. Prayer for the saints to proclaim the glad tidings concerning the kingdom of God 29. Prayer for the saints to proclaim the glad tidings of Christ’s victory 30. Prayer for the saints to proclaim the glad tidings concerning Christ as our life 31. Prayer for the saints to proclaim the glad tidings of the jubilee of grace 32. Prayer for the saints to proclaim the glad tidings concerning Christ 33. Prayer for the saints to proclaim and live out the glad tidings of the gospel 34. Prayer for the saints to realize that as members of the Word of God, they are also God’s oracle, speaking for Him 35. Prayer for the saints to grasp every opportunity to speak the Word 36. Prayer for the saints to seek the Lord in His Word in order to be equipped to speak the Word 37. Prayer for the saints to practice the God-ordained way with faithfulness, endeavoring, patience, endurance, and much prayer 38. Prayer for the saints to practice the God-ordained way one step at a time 39. Prayer for the saints to practice the God-ordained way steadfastly and with regularity 40. Prayer for the saints to take the laboring way 41. Prayer for the saints to practice the God-ordained way in one accord under the vision of the age 42. Prayer for the saints to labor for the Lord in His resurrection life 43. Prayer for the saints to practice the God-ordained way according to the direction of the Lord’s move 44. Prayer for the saints to spread the Lord’s recovery by propagating the divine truth 45. Prayer for the saints to pick up the Lord’s burden to care for people 46. Prayer for the saints to be shepherds according to God’s heart with the intimate concern of a ministering life 47. Prayer for the saints to shepherd others according to God 48. Prayer for the saints to be shepherds with the loving and forgiving heart of our Father God and the shepherding and seeking spirit of our Savior Christ 49. Prayer concerning God’s recovery by life through His shepherding 50. Prayer for the saints to experience and enjoy Christ as their Shepherd 51. Prayer for the saints to take the shepherding way to preach the gospel and revive the church 52. Prayer for the saints to set aside a weekly time with their vital companions for the purpose of contacting and gaining people 53. Prayer for the saints to set aside a weekly time to pray with their vital companions for their work of contacting people 54. Prayer for the saints to be blended into one accord 55. Prayer for the saints in the vital groups to have real, intimate fellowship, to love one another, and to care for one another 56. Prayer for the being-vitalized saints to follow the Lord’s leading to contact other saints who are not yet vital 57. Prayer for the saints to pray to be vitalized and to practice to be personally revived each morning 58. Prayer for the saints to be desperate to be made vital 59. Prayer for the saints to be perfected by the prophets and to learn to perfect others to prophesy 60. Prayer for the saints to closely follow the Spirit in their prophesying 61. Prayer for the saints to be perfected to speak with the three constituting elements of prophesying (3) 62. Prayer for the saints to be perfected to speak with the three constituting elements of prophesying (2) 63. Prayer for the saints to be perfected to speak with the three constituting elements of prophesying (1) 64. Prayer for the saints to prophesy with the divine element and to minister Christ through their speaking 65. Prayer for the saints to pursue, desire, seek, and learn to prophesy 66. Prayer for the saints to realize their need for learning and the experience of life 67. Prayer for the saints to learn how to practice group meetings (2) 68. Prayer for the saints to learn how to practice group meetings (1) 69. Prayer for the saints to see their need to have their own group meeting 70. Prayer for the saints to see from Paul’s practice in Acts 20 how to perfect the saints 71. Prayer for the saints to see the purpose of perfecting 72. Prayer for the saints to see the meaning of perfecting 73. Prayer for the saints to build up the new ones in four crucial practices of the Christian life 74. Prayer for the saints to learn to grasp the opportunity to impart the Word 75. Prayer for the saints to have proper home meetings with four constituting elements 76. Prayer for the saints to learn to know the new ones and to speak according to their need 77. Prayer for the saints to learn to cherish the new believers 78. Prayer for the saints to nourish the new believers that they may become remaining fruit 79. Prayer for the saints to be nourished in order to properly nourish others 80. Prayer for the saints to see the purpose of their gospel priesthood, make a vow to the Lord, and practice the best way to labor 81. Prayer for the saints to visit people as God’s priests with His authority through much prayer 82. Prayer for the saints to become energizing priests in practicing their New Testament priesthood 83. Prayer for the saints to follow Paul’s pattern in offering spiritual sacrifices to God in three stages 84. Prayer for the saints to receive a revolutionizing revelation of the priesthood of the gospel 85. Prayer for the saints to accept God’s ordination that they are priests of the gospel 86. Prayer for the saints to see God’s intention that all His people be priests 87. Prayer for the saints to have a positive, aggressive spirit for the building up of the church 88. Prayer for the churches to increase both in life and in number 89. Prayer for the raising up of the home meetings as the life pulse of the God-ordained way 90. Prayer for a church life filled with mutuality 91. Prayer for the rising up of all the one-talented members 92. Prayer for the whole Body to rise up to serve 93. Prayer for the saints to have a new start in the practice of the God-ordained way 94. Prayer for the saints to be earnest in preaching the gospel of the kingdom to hasten the Lord’s coming and end the age 95. Prayer for the saints’ gospel preaching to become shoes for their walk 96. Prayer for the saints to be encouraged to labor in gospel preaching by the resurrection life 97. Prayer for the saints to aspire to have the joy and crown of those whom they have saved as a reward for their gospel preaching 98. Prayer for the saints to labor in preaching the gospel to receive the reward 99. Prayer for the saints to experience joy as a reward for preaching the gospel 100. Prayer for the saints to realize that preaching the gospel has a reward and for them to run in order to lay hold of the prize 101. Prayer for the churches to make a turn from barrenness to fruitfulness, having at least one-fifth of the saints working to gain the increase of the church 102. Prayer for each one of the Lord’s lovers to be a winner of sinners who spends two to three hours each week to contact individuals 103. Prayer for the saints to be endeavoring in fruit-bearing by getting companions, praying for their acquaintances, writing to them, and visiting them 104. Prayer for the saints to make a definite plan with a schedule for their personal contacting of people each week for fruit-bearing 105. Prayer for the saints to be revived by the Lord each morning in order to be fruit-bearing branches of Christ 106. Prayer for the saints to make a vow to the Lord to spend definite weekly times contacting people for their salvation 107. Prayer for all the saints to have a breakthrough in gaining people for the Lord by learning how to bear fruit and practicing fruit-bearing continually 108. Prayer for the saints to be burdened to bear fruit, to beget spiritual children 109. Prayer for the saints to fellowship with one another over the matter of contacting people that they may learn together 110. Prayer for the saints to learn how to contact people by entering into their situation and to look to the Lord for the way 111. Prayer for the saints to see their urgent need to contact people and go forth to reach people in their daily life 112. Prayer for the saints to care for the process of life that they may bear fruit in due time 113. Prayer for the saints to abide in the Lord that they may preach the gospel by imparting life to others 114. Prayer for the saints to see their need for the overflow of the inner life for fruit-bearing 115. Prayer for the saints to be desperate and live uniquely for the gospel by going to contact people 116. Prayer for the saints to realize their need to diligently learn the way and the skills needed to preach the gospel 117. Prayer for the saints to realize their need for the one accord in order to practice the proper way to preach the gospel 118. Prayer for the saints to know the Lord’s name with His authority as the power of the gospel 119. Prayer for the saints to receive the poured-out Spirit as the power of the gospel 120. Prayer for the saints to know God’s living word as the power of the gospel 121. Prayer that the saints would see that the power of the gospel comes through prayer 122. Prayer for the saints to receive and carry out the great commission of Christ in resurrection 123. Prayer for the saints to give heed to the call of the gospel from four directions 124. Pray for the fire of the gospel to burn among the churches 125. Prayer for the saints to have the spirit of the gospel 126. Prayer for the saints to receive the burden of the gospel (2) 127. Prayer for the saints to receive the burden of the gospel (1) 128. Prayer for the saints to have a genuine love for all men 129. Prayer for the saints to labor in a personal, regular way for the increase of the church 130. Prayer for the saints to rise up to be energizing priests, making the preaching of the gospel part of their daily life 131. Prayer for all the saints to follow Paul’s pattern of a priest of the gospel in his three steps of offering 132. Prayer for all the saints to see that they are priests of the gospel of God 133. Prayer for the saints to take the practical way to be vitalized 134. Prayer for the saints to see their desperate need to be made vital to gain the increase for the church 135. Prayer for the saints to be personally revived every morning