Many matters require the church’s prayer. The items of prayer listed below are offered as a help to focus and enrich the prayer of the saints and of the churches. They are not meant to be restrictive or exhaustive, nor are they meant to be legally adopted. In the end, it is the Spirit who intercedes for us, in us, and through us according to God and His will. The intercessors’ responsibility is to be one spirit with the Lord and one mind with Christ to discharge the inner burden with Spirit-inspired utterances. In light of the current world situation, let us persevere in prayer with a strong spirit.
Pray that we will prepare ourselves to be the bride of Christ by becoming His overcomers, the components of the bride, who grow until we are matured and perfected in the divine life and who are built up to be a corporate person, a building in which God and man become a mutual abode to each other by God building Himself into man and building man into Himself (Eph. 4:13-16; Heb. 6:1a; Col. 1:28; John 14:20; 15:4a; 1 John 4:15; Rev. 21:3a, 22).
Read morePray that we will answer the Lord’s call to be an overcomer by being a vital person, a praying person, having close, intimate, thorough fellowship with the Lord and with the seeking saints, in order to conquer deadness, lukewarmness, and barrenness, and that we will understand the times and pray the age-turning prayer, no longer living to the earth but truly consecrating ourselves to answer God’s demands on behalf of the church so that God may have a way to come in and to turn this age of procedures into the age of His heart’s desire (Psa. 119:88, 159; 1 Thes. 5:17; 1 John 1:3; Rev. 3:1, 15-16; John 15:16; Judg. 5:15b, 16b; 1 Chron. 12:32a).
Read morePray that in order to be today’s overcomers as God’s dispensational instrument, we will redeem the time, knowing God’s will, seizing and making the most of opportunities, and being faithful to live, grow, express, and propagate Christ in every respect for the building up of His Body (Rev. 2:7; Eph. 5:16; Psa. 90:12; Col. 1:9-10; Dan. 11:32b; Phil. 1:20-21a; Eph. 4:15).
Read morePray that we will be God’s dispensational instrument, those through whom He can make an age-turning move, by being absolutely consecrated to God and separated unto God from an age that follows Satan, by joining ourselves to God’s desire through His Word, by being a man of prayer with an excellent spirit, a man living under God’s rule in the reality of the kingdom of the heavens, and by being a self-sacrificing person with the spirit of martyrdom (Dan. 1:8; 6:3, 10; 9:23; Num. 6:2-3, 5; Psa. 110:3; Rev. 12:11).
Read morePray that we will pray persistently by the linking faith, by the Triune God moving in us to link us to His unsearchable riches, knowing that the God to whom we pray is a God who hides Himself while He is doing many things for us in a hidden way, so that when the Lord Jesus returns, He will find us as His overcomers who are living by the linking faith (Luke 18:1; Isa. 45:15; Rom. 1:17b; Gal. 2:20; 2 Cor. 5:7; 1 Tim. 1:4; Luke 18:8b).
Read morePray that we will pray with God as our faith, that is, with God who has become our faith by mingling Himself with us, exercising God’s authority in our prayer and speaking to “this mountain,” telling the things that are frustrating us to go away (Mark 11:22-24; Zech. 4:7; Matt. 4:10a, 11a; Matt. 16:23a; 17:20; 18:19-20).
Read morePray that we will live not merely in the outward human history but even more in the inward divine history, that is, in the church, writing God’s today’s history by being one with God in His history to carry out His ultimate move in His economy, which is focused on His central work—to work Himself in Christ into us, His chosen and redeemed people, making Himself one with us to be our life, life supply, and everything for His expression (Rom. 12:1-2; 1 Cor. 1:2; 6:17; Eph. 3:16-17a, 19b, 21a; 4:15-16).
Read morePray that we will have a clear view of the inward divine history within the outward human history, the divine history being primarily the history of God in man, beginning from Christ’s incarnation through His ascension to become the life-giving Spirit, continuing with His indwelling His believers through God’s organic salvation to make the believers the glorious bride of Christ, culminating in Christ as the Spirit marrying the church as the bride, and ultimately consummating in the New Jerusalem as the bride, the wife of the Lamb, at the end of the thousand-year kingdom (John 1:14a; 1 Cor. 15:45b; Col. 1:27; Eph. 5:27; Rev. 19:7; 22:17; 21:9-10).
Read morePray that we will see the precious, excellent, and enthroned Christ—the God-man, the mingling of God and man, the centrality and universality of God’s move to carry out His economy, the worthy Lion-Lamb, the King of kings and Lord of lords—as the preeminent One in the spiritual scene behind the world situation and the center of God’s administration according to His eternal economy (Dan. 10:5-6; Rev. 5:5-6, 12; 17:14).
Read morePray that we will see a spiritual vision of the throne of God as the center of God’s administration throughout the universe and see the ruling of the heavens by the God of the heavens over all human government on earth to match the eternal economy of God for Christ to do two great things: (1) to terminate the old creation for the germination of the new creation through His first coming, and (2) to smash and crush the aggregate of human government and establish the eternal kingdom of God in His second coming (Rev. 4:2; Ezek. 1:26; Dan. 4:25b, 26b; Acts 17:26; Dan. 9:26a and footnote 261; 2:34-35; Rev. 11:15).
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