Hay muchos asuntos que requieren de la oración de la iglesia. Brindamos los ítems de oración a continuación como una ayuda para enfocar y enriquecer la oración de los santos y de las iglesias. La intención no es que estos puntos sean restrictivos o exhaustivos, ni que sean tomados de manera legalista. Al fin y al cabo, es el Espíritu quien intercede por nosotros, en nosotros y mediante nosotros conforme a Dios y Su voluntad. La responsabilidad de los intercesores es ser un solo espíritu con el Señor y tener un mismo pensamiento con Cristo para liberar la carga interior mediante expresiones inspiradas por el Espíritu. En vista de la situación actual del mundo, perseveremos en oración con un espíritu fuerte.

Prayer for the saints, as the Body, to put on the whole armor of God to fight the spiritual warfare

24 de julio de 2020

Oración para que todos los santos aprendan a pelear la guerra espiritual al vestirse toda la armadura de Dios para que puedan estar firmes ante las estratagemas del diablo (Ef. 6:11-13 y nota 111 and 112).

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Prayer for the saints to fight the spiritual warfare in the Body

23 de julio de 2020

Ore para que los santos se den cuenta de que la guerra espiritual es un asunto del Cuerpo y aprendan a luchar la batalla en el Cuerpo (Mt. 16:18; Ro. 16:20 y 201).

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Prayer for the saints to apply the Lord’s prevailing blood to overcome Satan in the spiritual warfare

22 de julio de 2020

Ore para que los santos aprendan a aplicar la efectividad de la sangre prevaleciente del Señor para cerrar la boca de Satanás, el acusador de los hermanos, y derrotarlo en la batalla espiritual (Ap. 12:10-11 y nota 112).

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Prayer for the saints to apply the Lord’s mighty name in fighting the spiritual warfare

21 de julio 2020

Oración para que los santos se den cuenta y apliquen la autoridad del poderoso nombre de Jesús para derrotar a los enemigos mortales—Satanás, la muerte y el pecado (Fil. 2:9-10, Jn. 14:13-14).

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Prayer for the saints to stand in Christ’s victory

20 de julio de 2020

Ore para que los santos vean, estén firmes y luchen desde la victoria de Cristo, dándose cuenta de que la victoria ya ha sido ganada y apliquen la victoria de Cristo a través de la oración (1 Jn 3:8b; He. 2:14; Col. 2:15; 1 P. 3:18-19; Ap. 1:18).

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Prayer for the exercise of the saints’ spirits in their daily life for the proper meeting life and the building up of the church

19 de julio de 2020

Pray that the saints would be daily strengthened in their spirit by the exercise of their spirit in their daily living so that they can freely release their spirit in all kinds of meetings to minister life to one another, with the result that the saints would be mingled and blended together and the church would be built up (Eph. 3:16-19; Himnos,, #781, ss. 5-6).

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Prayer for the saints’ exercise of the spirit in serving together through prayer

18 de julio de 2020

Pray that the saints would learn to serve together through prayer with the exercise of their spirit so that through prayer they would move, touching the fellowship in spirit in all their serving together (Acts 13:2-4; Phil. 2:1-2; Himnos,, #781, s. 4).

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Prayer for the saints’ exercise of the spirit that frees their spirit to speak and to lift others’ spirits to Christ

17 de julio de 2020

Pray that through the saints’ spirit-exercising prayer their spirits would be lifted and freed to speak with the motivating of their spirit in order to revive, refresh, and open others’ spirits such that others’ spirits would be lifted unto Christ (2 Cor. 4:13; 7:13; Philem. 7, 20;  Himnos,, #782, ss. 4-6).

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Prayer for the saints’ exercise of the spirit in praying with others

16 de julio de 2020

Pray that the saints would learn to pray with an exercised spirit not only in their personal prayer times but also in praying with a few others and in the church prayer meetings so that their spirits respond to one another in prayer and others are built up by their prayer (1 Cor. 14:15-17; Himnos,, #781, s. 3).

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Prayer for the saints’ exercise of the spirit in joining the Word and prayer

15 de julio de 2020

Pray that the saints would practice to daily contact the Word by praying in their spirit in order to touch the Lord, and so that their spirits would be lifted high and strengthened (Eph. 6: 17-18; 3:16; Himnos,, #782, s. 3).

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