1. Prayer for the young people to enter into the church life and into the church service 2. Prayer for the saints to learn, in worshipping the Father, to link the worship of the Father to the remembrance of the Lord 3. Prayer for the saints to learn to function in the Lord’s table meeting in a coordinated way 4. Prayer for the saints to learn to speak hymns to one another and to sing hymns in their daily life 5. Prayer for the saints to remember the Lord by selecting hymns and offering praises for the Lord’s person and work 6. Prayer for the saints to exercise their spirit to sense the atmosphere of the meeting and apply the hymns at the proper time 7. Prayer for the saints to diligently learn the hymns in order to select appropriate hymns in the meetings 8. Prayer for the saints to learn to select hymns in the meetings according to the purpose of the hymns and the principle for selecting hymns 9. Prayer for the saints to have a definite time and way to worship the Father and to reserve an adequate amount of time for their worship 10. Prayer for the saints’ remembrance of the Lord to declare His death and express their desire for His coming back 11. Prayer for the saints to learn to properly practice to distribute the bread and the cup for an uplifted table meeting 12. Prayer for the saints to bless the Lord with well-speaking concerning His person and work by addressing the Lord directly 13. Prayer for the saints to learn to thank and praise the Lord at His table, without offering prayers of supplication to Him 14. Prayer for the saints to do everything in the table meeting by taking the Lord as the center and by overflowing with their personal experiences of Christ 15. Prayer for the saints to come to the Lord’s table meeting for the purpose of remembering the Lord Himself 16. Prayer for the saints to offer the worship that satisfies the Father in the Lord’s table meeting 17. Prayer for the saints to see and experience the progression from remembering the Lord to worshipping the Father 18. Prayer for the saints to remember the Lord by contacting Him, eating Him, and drinking Him with their spirit 19. Prayer for the saints to eat the Lord’s flesh and drink the Lord’s blood by believing into Him and receiving Him 20. Prayer for the saints to remember the Lord by eating and drinking the Lord Himself 21. Prayer for the saints to remember the Lord in the Lord’s supper—the vertical aspect 22. Prayer for the saints to experience and enjoy the fellowship with the saints in attending the Lord’s table—the horizontal aspect 23. Prayer for the saints to take the Lord’s supper for God’s administration by discerning the Body 24. Prayer for the saints to care for the Lord’s supper by proving themselves 25. Prayer for the saints to see from the Lord’s supper how the church is a bridge connecting the Lord’s two comings 26. Prayer for the saints to see the difference between the Lord’s table and the Lord’s supper 27. Prayer for the saints to see that to come to the Lord’s table is to enjoy Christ as the good land 28. Prayer for the saints to see that, in instituting the table, the Lord Jesus made a covenant with the New Testament believers 29. Prayer for the saints to see the importance of the Lord’s table in carrying out God’s move so that they will earnestly keep it 30. Prayer for the saints to take the shepherding way to preach the gospel and revive the church 31. Prayer for the saints to be blended into one accord 32. Prayer for the saints to be perfected by the prophets and to learn to perfect others to prophesy 33. Prayer for the saints to closely follow the Spirit in their prophesying 34. Prayer for the saints to be perfected to speak with the three constituting elements of prophesying (3) 35. Prayer for the saints to be perfected to speak with the three constituting elements of prophesying (2) 36. Prayer for the saints to be perfected to speak with the three constituting elements of prophesying (1) 37. Prayer for the saints to prophesy with the divine element and to minister Christ through their speaking 38. Prayer for the saints to pursue, desire, seek, and learn to prophesy 39. Prayer for the saints to live in the reality of the church as a house of prayer 40. Prayer for the saints to live the church life in the reality of the kingdom today 41. Prayer for the saints to overcome to practice the normal and proper church life in God’s economy 42. Prayer for the saints to practice blending in order to keep the oneness of the universal Body of Christ 43. Prayer for the saints to take the teaching of the apostles as the holding factor of the one accord 44. Prayer for the saints to earnestly practice the one accord as the morale, the impact, and the master key to unlock every blessing in the New Testament 45. Prayer for the practice of the one accord as the necessary ground for the present practice in the Lord’s move 46. Prayer for the saints to realize their need for the one accord so that God may answer their prayers for increase 47. Prayer for the saints to apply the oneness by practicing the one accord 48. Prayer for the saints to know the genuine oneness and keep the oneness to have the proper Body life 49. Prayer for the Lord to preserve and use the United States for the preparation of His bride 50. Prayer for the saints to be in harmony to pray binding and loosing prayers 51. Prayer for the exercise of the saints’ spirits in their daily life for the proper meeting life and the building up of the church 52. Prayer for the saints’ exercise of the spirit in serving together through prayer 53. Prayer for the saints’ exercise of the spirit in praying with others