Day 50: Prayer for our seeing of the heavenly vision of the ascension of Christ
Pray that all the saints would receive a heavenly vision of the ascension of Christ in order to pray the prevailing prayer of the church, the prayer of the age (Eph. 1:17; Heb. 1:3; Acts 2:36).
弗 1:17 願我們主耶穌基督的神,榮耀的父,賜給你們智慧和啓示的靈,使你們充分的認識祂。
來 1:3 祂是神榮耀的光輝,是神本質的印像,用祂大能的話維持、載著並推動萬有;祂成就了洗罪的事,就坐在高處至尊至大者的右邊。
徒 2:36 所以,以色列全家當確實的知道,你們釘在十字架上的這位耶穌,神已經立祂為主為基督了。
For further reading please refer to 李常受文集,一九六三,, vol. 1, “Prayer on the Ground of Christ’s Ascension,” pp. 159-160.
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