Day 148: Prayer for the saints to experience the filling of the Spirit inwardly (1)


John 20:22—And when He had said this, He breathed into them and said to them, Receive the Holy Spirit.

哀三55-56 - 耶和華阿,我從極深的坑裏呼求你的名。你曾聽見我的聲音;求你不要掩耳不聽我的呼吸,我的呼籲。


Isa. 12:3-4—Therefore you will draw water with rejoicing / From the springs of salvation, / And you will say in that day, / Give thanks to Jehovah; call upon His name! / Make His deeds known among the peoples; / Remind them that His name is exalted.

林前十二3下, 13—若不是在聖靈裡,也沒有人能說,主,耶穌!…都已經在一位靈裡受浸,成了一個身體,且都得以喝一位靈。

For further reading please refer to 李常受文集,一九八四, vol. 4, “Vital Factors for the Recovery of the Church Life,” ch. 3, p. 482 and 哥林多前書生命讀經, msg. 52, p. 461.

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