Day 30: Prayer to pray persistently as overcomers who are living by the linking faith

Pray that we will pray persistently by the linking faith, by the Triune God moving in us to link us to His unsearchable riches, knowing that the God to whom we pray is a God who hides Himself while He is doing many things for us in a hidden way, so that when the Lord Jesus returns, He will find us as His overcomers who are living by the linking faith (Luke 18:1; Isa. 45:15; Rom. 1:17b; Gal. 2:20; 2 Cor. 5:7; 1 Tim. 1:4; Luke 18:8b).

路 18:1 耶穌又對他們講一個比喻,是要人常常禱告,不可灰心,說,

賽 45:15 救主以色列的神阿,你實在是自隱的神。

羅 1:17下 …如經上所記:『義人必本於信得生並活著。』


林後 5:7 (因我們行事為人,是憑著信心,不是憑著眼見;)

提前 1:4 也不可注意虛構無稽之事,和無窮的家譜;這等事只引起辯論,對於神在信仰裏的經綸並無助益。

路 18:8下 …然而,人子來的時候,在地上找得到信心麼?

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