Day 23: Prayer to be the overcomers

Pray that we will be the overcomers as the riders of the white horse—those who learn the divine truths of the gospel and proclaim the gospel of the kingdom, the full gospel, the gospel of God’s eternal economy, in the whole inhabited earth before the end of the age, as a preparation for the Lord’s coming back to bring the recovery and restoration not only to Israel but also to the entire creation (2 Cor. 4:4; Rev. 6:2; Eph. 1:13; Matt. 24:14; 19:28; Rom. 8:21; Isa. 11:9).

林後 4:4在他們裏面,這世代的神弄瞎了他們這不信者的心思,叫基督榮耀之福音的光照,不照亮他們;基督本是神的像。


弗 1:13你們既聽了真理的話,就是那叫你們得救的福音,也在祂裏面信了,就在祂裏面受了所應許的聖靈為印記;


太 19:28耶穌就對他們說,我實在告訴你們,你們這些跟從過我的人,在復興的時候,當人子坐在祂榮耀的寶座上,你們也要坐在十二個寶座上,審判以色列十二個支派。

賽 11:9在我聖山的遍處,這些都不傷人,不害物,因為對耶和華的認識充滿遍地,好像水充滿洋海一般。

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