Prayer to live in the divine history

Pray that we will live not merely in the outward human history but even more in the inward divine history, that is, in the church, writing God’s today’s history by being one with God in His history to carry out His ultimate move in His economy, which is focused on His central work—to work Himself…


Prayer for a clear view of the divine history within human history

Pray that we will have a clear view of the inward divine history within the outward human history, the divine history being primarily the history of God in man, beginning from Christ’s incarnation through His ascension to become the life-giving Spirit, continuing with His indwelling His believers through God’s organic salvation to make the believers…


Prayer to see the excellent Christ

Pray that we will see the precious, excellent, and enthroned Christ—the God-man, the mingling of God and man, the centrality and universality of God’s move to carry out His economy, the worthy Lion-Lamb, the King of kings and Lord of lords—as the preeminent One in the spiritual scene behind the world situation and the center…


Prayer to be God’s faithful channels of prayer



Prayer to be the overcomers



Prayer to be men on earth with God’s heart

