Many matters require the church’s prayer. The items of prayer listed below are offered as a help to focus and enrich the prayer of the saints and of the churches. They are not meant to be restrictive or exhaustive, nor are they meant to be legally adopted. In the end, it is the Spirit who intercedes for us, in us, and through us according to God and His will. The intercessors’ responsibility is to be one spirit with the Lord and one mind with Christ to discharge the inner burden with Spirit-inspired utterances. In light of the current world situation, let us persevere in prayer with a strong spirit.
Pray that the Lord would impart into some the desire, the burden, and the commission to serve Him full time in a job-dropping way (Matt. 4:18-22).
Read morePray that the Lord would raise up many more job-dropping full-timers for the spread of the Lord’s recovery and the Lord’s move on the earth (Rom. 12:1; Acts 13:1-3).
Read morePray that all the saints would fully enter into the real meaning of being full time, which is to live to the Lord (Rom. 14:7-8; 2 Cor. 5:14-15; Hymns, #473 ss. 1, 3).
Read morePray that the trainees would see and enter into the goal of the training, which is also to reach the reality of the Body of Christ by living a life conformed to Christ’s death in the power of His resurrection (Phil. 3:10; Eph. 1:22-23; 4:4a; John 11:25a; Eph. 3:16 and note 164; Phil. 1:21a; Rom. 8:4).
Read morePray that the trainees would see and enter into the goal of the training, which is also to reach the high peak of today’s Zion—the overcomers—in today’s Jerusalem—the church (Psa. 48:2 and note 21; Rev. 14:1; Heb. 12:22; Rev. 2:7; 12:11; Gal. 5:16a).
Read morePray that the trainees would see and enter into the goal of the training, which is first to reach the highest peak of the divine revelation—God becoming a man that man may become God in life and in nature but not in the Godhead (Isa. 9:6; Heb. 2:14a; John 1:14a; 1 Cor. 15:45b; John 1:12-13; 2 Pet. 1:4; 1 John 3:2; Hymns, “What Miracle! What Mystery!”).
Read morePray that the trainees would be transformed in their character to be useful to the Lord in His service (Rom. 12:2; 2 Tim. 2:15, 21; 4:11; Philem. 1:11).
Read morePray that the trainees would diligently practice the cultivation of their spiritual capacity in the preaching of the gospel, the nourishing of the young believers, the perfecting of the saints, and the prophesying of the word of God for the building up of the local churches, consummating in the building up of the Body of Christ (Matt. 28:19; Rom. 15:16; 1 Thes. 2:7; John 21:15b; Eph. 4:12; 1 Cor. 14:1, 4b).
Read morePray that the trainees would be equipped in the realization of the divine truths according to the Scriptures by the revelation of the Holy Spirit and would spend much time and effort to study the truth so that they may be fully equipped for the Lord’s service (1 Tim. 2:4 and note 42; 2 Tim. 2:15; 3:16-17; 2 Pet. 3:18).
Read morePray for the full-time training at the beginning of the fall term, that the trainees would be built up in Christ in the growth of His life unto maturity and would have a solid pursuit and progress in life (Eph. 4:15 and note 153; Col. 1:28 and note 281; Heb. 6:1a and note 13).
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