Many matters require the church’s prayer. The items of prayer listed below are offered as a help to focus and enrich the prayer of the saints and of the churches. They are not meant to be restrictive or exhaustive, nor are they meant to be legally adopted. In the end, it is the Spirit who intercedes for us, in us, and through us according to God and His will. The intercessors’ responsibility is to be one spirit with the Lord and one mind with Christ to discharge the inner burden with Spirit-inspired utterances. In light of the current world situation, let us persevere in prayer with a strong spirit.

Prayer for the saints, as the Body, to put on the whole armor of God to fight the spiritual warfare

July 24, 2020

Pray that the saints would learn to fight the spiritual warfare by putting on the whole armor of God so that they can stand against all the stratagems of the devil (Eph. 6:11-13 and notes 111 and 112).

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Prayer for the saints to fight the spiritual warfare in the Body

July 23, 2020

Pray that the saints would realize that spiritual warfare is a Body matter and would learn to fight the battle in the Body (Matt. 16:18; Rom. 16:20 and 201).

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Prayer for the saints to apply the Lord’s prevailing blood to overcome Satan in the spiritual warfare

July 22, 2020

Pray that the saints would learn to apply the effectiveness of the Lord’s prevailing blood in order to shut the mouth of Satan, the accuser of the brothers, and defeat him in the spiritual warfare (Rev. 12:10-11 and note 112).

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Prayer for the saints to apply the Lord’s mighty name in fighting the spiritual warfare

July 21, 2020

Pray that the saints would realize and apply the authority in the mighty name of Jesus to vanquish the deadly foes—Satan, death, and sin (Phil. 2:9-10; John 14:13-14).

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Prayer for the saints to stand in Christ’s victory

July 20, 2020

Pray that the saints would see, stand in, and fight from Christ’s victory, realizing that the victory has already been won and applying Christ’s victory through prayer (1 John 3:8b; Heb. 2:14; Col. 2:15; 1 Pet. 3:18-19; Rev. 1:18).

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Prayer for the exercise of the saints’ spirits in their daily life for the proper meeting life and the building up of the church

July 19, 2020

Pray that the saints would be daily strengthened in their spirit by the exercise of their spirit in their daily living so that they can freely release their spirit in all kinds of meetings to minister life to one another, with the result that the saints would be mingled and blended together and the church would be built up (Eph. 3:16-19; Hymns, #781, ss. 5-6).

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Prayer for the saints’ exercise of the spirit in serving together through prayer

July 18, 2020

Pray that the saints would learn to serve together through prayer with the exercise of their spirit so that through prayer they would move, touching the fellowship in spirit in all their serving together (Acts 13:2-4; Phil. 2:1-2; Hymns, #781, s. 4).

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Prayer for the saints’ exercise of the spirit that frees their spirit to speak and to lift others’ spirits to Christ

July 17, 2020

Pray that through the saints’ spirit-exercising prayer their spirits would be lifted and freed to speak with the motivating of their spirit in order to revive, refresh, and open others’ spirits such that others’ spirits would be lifted unto Christ (2 Cor. 4:13; 7:13; Philem. 7, 20;  Hymns, #782, ss. 4-6).

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Prayer for the saints’ exercise of the spirit in praying with others

July 16, 2020

Pray that the saints would learn to pray with an exercised spirit not only in their personal prayer times but also in praying with a few others and in the church prayer meetings so that their spirits respond to one another in prayer and others are built up by their prayer (1 Cor. 14:15-17; Hymns, #781, s. 3).

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Prayer for the saints’ exercise of the spirit in joining the Word and prayer

July 15, 2020

Pray that the saints would practice to daily contact the Word by praying in their spirit in order to touch the Lord, and so that their spirits would be lifted high and strengthened (Eph. 6: 17-18; 3:16; Hymns, #782, s. 3).

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