Many matters require the church’s prayer. The items of prayer listed below are offered as a help to focus and enrich the prayer of the saints and of the churches. They are not meant to be restrictive or exhaustive, nor are they meant to be legally adopted. In the end, it is the Spirit who intercedes for us, in us, and through us according to God and His will. The intercessors’ responsibility is to be one spirit with the Lord and one mind with Christ to discharge the inner burden with Spirit-inspired utterances. In light of the current world situation, let us persevere in prayer with a strong spirit.

Prayer for the saints to experience and enjoy God’s forgiveness and cleansing

January 30, 2021

Pray that through their repentance and confession the saints would experience and enjoy God’s forgiveness and cleansing, issuing in their fearing God, loving the Lord, being able to be built with others in the church life, and enjoying Christ as the tree of life (Neh. 9:17b; Psa. 32:1; 86:5; 130:4; Luke 7:47; 1 John 1:7, 9; Isa. 1:18; Rev. 22:14).

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Prayer for the saints to practice to have a thorough confession to God under His light (2)

January 29, 2021

Pray that the Lord would shine on and cause the saints to confess their sinful nature, its defilements, its attachment to the contamination of the world, and its oldness, as well as their dispositional problems and their peculiarity in their character, so that they would deny their self, habit, and old way of doing things and have no more confidence in their self and no more trust in their natural ability (Psa. 51:5 and note 51; Rom. 7:18 and note 182; 8:13; Gal. 5:24; Phil. 3:3).

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Prayer for the saints to practice to have a thorough confession to God under His light (1)

January 28, 2021

Pray that the saints would practice to have a thorough confession to God under His light, a confession under the Lord’s shining that includes the sin of individualism and individuality as well as all their defects, shortcomings, wrongdoings, mistakes, transgressions, trespasses, outward sins, and inward evils, and that is accompanied by their asking for the Lord’s forgiveness (Psa. 32:5; 51:1-4a; Prov. 28:13; 1 John 1:9).

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Prayer for the saints to see the true meaning of repentance and to experience genuine repentance for the kingdom of God

January 27, 2021

Pray for the saints to experience the shining of God’s light that they may see the true meaning of repentance and may experience genuine repentance unto God for the kingdom of God (Matt. 3:1-2 and note 21; Acts 11:18; 20:21; 26:20; Rom. 2:4).

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Prayer for the saints to deal with the Lord under His shining light

January 26, 2021

Pray for the saints to deal with the Lord not in the way of introspection or in the way of confessing merely according to objective knowledge but in the way of being under the shining of His light in their loving fellowship with Him (S. S. 2:9 and note 91; Heb. 12:2; Isa. 6:1, 5; Job 42:5-6 and note 61).

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Prayer for the saints to love God’s light, to come to the light, to open to the light, and to be filled with the light

January 25, 2021

Pray that the saints would not fear the Lord’s light but would love the light, come to the light, open to the light, and aspire to be people whose whole being is filled with light, not having any dark part (1 John 1:5, 7; Rev. 21:23; John 3:19-21; Luke 11:34-36).

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Prayer for the saints to love the Lord’s appearing

January 24, 2021

Pray that the saints would not only love the Lord but also love His appearing, looking forward to it with earnest expectation and joy (2 Tim. 4:8 and note 85; S. S. 8:14; Rev. 22:20).

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Prayer for the saints to see and enter into the real significance of loving the Lord

January 23, 2021

Pray that the saints would see the real significance of loving the Lord as revealed in His Word and would fully enter into it in their experience (Mark 12:30; 1 Cor. 2:9 and note 93; 2 Tim. 3:1-4 and note 22).

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Prayer for the saints to experience the growth and transformation of life portrayed in Song of Songs

January 22, 2021

Pray that the saints would live in the divine romance and would have the growth in life and transformation of life through the progressive experience of their loving fellowship with Christ as portrayed in the Song of Songs (S. S. 1:1 and note 11, 9-11 and notes 92, 111).

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Prayer for the saints to develop a personal and affectionate relationship with the Lord

January 21, 2021

Pray that the saints would enter into and develop a personal and affectionate relationship with the Lord (S. S. 1:2-4a; John 13:23).

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