Archive for 1월 2021
Prayer for the saints to be revived and vitalized through their experience of repentance and confession
주님의 빛 비춤 아래서 성도들이 회개와 자백을 체험함으로써 성도들이 부흥되고 활력화되어 정상적이고 이기는 교회 생활을 살 수 있도록 기도합시다(엡 5:14, 요일 1:5, 7, 9, 살전 5:6-8, 롬 12:1, 11).
전체 안내 읽기Prayer for the saints to experience and enjoy God’s forgiveness and cleansing
Pray that through their repentance and confession the saints would experience and enjoy God’s forgiveness and cleansing, issuing in their fearing God, loving the Lord, being able to be built with others in the church life, and enjoying Christ as the tree of life (Neh. 9:17b; Psa. 32:1; 86:5; 130:4; Luke 7:47; 1 John 1:7,…
전체 안내 읽기Prayer for the saints to practice to have a thorough confession to God under His light (2)
Pray that the Lord would shine on and cause the saints to confess their sinful nature, its defilements, its attachment to the contamination of the world, and its oldness, as well as their dispositional problems and their peculiarity in their character, so that they would deny their self, habit, and old way of doing things…
전체 안내 읽기Prayer for the saints to practice to have a thorough confession to God under His light (1)
Pray that the saints would practice to have a thorough confession to God under His light, a confession under the Lord’s shining that includes the sin of individualism and individuality as well as all their defects, shortcomings, wrongdoings, mistakes, transgressions, trespasses, outward sins, and inward evils, and that is accompanied by their asking for the…
전체 안내 읽기Prayer for the saints to see the true meaning of repentance and to experience genuine repentance for the kingdom of God
성도들이 하나님의 빛의 비추심을 체험하여 회개의 참된 의미를 보고 진정한 회개를 체험하며 하나님의 왕국을 위하여 하나님께 이를 수 있도록 기도합시다 (마 3:1-2 및 각주 21, 행 11:18, 20:21, 26:20, 롬 2:4).
전체 안내 읽기Prayer for the saints to deal with the Lord under His shining light
Pray for the saints to deal with the Lord not in the way of introspection or in the way of confessing merely according to objective knowledge but in the way of being under the shining of His light in their loving fellowship with Him (S. S. 2:9 and note 91; Heb. 12:2; Isa. 6:1, 5;…
전체 안내 읽기Prayer for the saints to love God’s light, to come to the light, to open to the light, and to be filled with the light
성도들이 주님의 빛을 두려워하지 않고 그 빛을 사랑하여 그 빛을 향해 나와, 그 빛을 향해 열고 온 존재가 빛으로 충만된 사람이 되기를 열망하며 어떤 어두운 부분도 갖지 않도록 기도합시다(요일 1:5, 7, 계 21:23, 요 3:19-21, 눅 11:34-36).
전체 안내 읽기Prayer for the saints to love the Lord’s appearing
성도들이 주님을 사랑할 뿐 아니라, 주님의 나타나심을 사랑하고, 간절한 기대와 기쁨을 가지고 그분의 나타나심을 기다릴 수 있도록 기도합시다(딤후 4:8 및 각주85, 아 8:14, 계 22:20).
전체 안내 읽기Prayer for the saints to see and enter into the real significance of loving the Lord
성도들이 주님의 말씀 안에 계시된대로 주님을 사랑하는 것의 참된 의미를 볼 수 있고, 그들의 체험 안에서 그러한 사랑 안으로 완전히 들어갈 수 있도록 기도합시다(막 12:30, 고전 2:9 및 각주 93, 딤후 3:1-4 및 각주22).
전체 안내 읽기Prayer for the saints to experience the growth and transformation of life portrayed in Song of Songs
성도들이 신성한 로맨스 안에서 살면서 그들이 아가서에서 묘사된 그리스도와의 사랑의 교통에 대한 점진적인 체험을 통해 생명의 성장과 생명의 변화를 가질 수 있도록 기도합시다. (아 1:1, 각주11, 9-11 및 각주92, 111).
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