Prayer for the church to rule over all the works of Satan

Ore para que la iglesia ejecute la oración de autoridad que gobierna sobre los demonios y todo lo que pertenece a Satanás y para que subyugue todas las actividades de los espíritus malignos, aun todas sus actividades secretas que engañan y burlan al hombre, causando malentendidos y agitando tormentas (Mt. 16:18-19; Ef. 6:11-12).

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Praying the prayer of authority—“Speak to the mountain”

Pray that the saints would be full of faith, praying according to God’s will, becoming the overcomers who learn to “speak to the mountain” that is blocking the way—exercising God’s authority to deal with all the things that block us from going on in the spiritual pathway (Mark 11:22b, 23-24; Matt. 4:10a, 11a).

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