
Prayer for the saints’ praying in spirit by the Spirit’s anointing

7 月 14, 2020

Pray that the saints would learn to pray by the anointing in their spirit, according to the groaning of the indwelling Spirit, so that they would learn to be led by the Spirit in their prayer and not just pray according to the thoughts in their mind and what they can remember (Rom. 8:26-27; Hymns, #781, s. 2; Hymns #779).


Prayer for the increase of the saints’ prayer with the exercise of the spirit

7 月 13, 2020

Pray for the increase of the saints’ prayer and of their exercise of the spirit in their prayer so that their spirits will become keen to follow the moving of the Spirit (Eph. 6:18Hymns, #781, s. 1).


Prayer for More Watchmen

7 月 12, 2020

祷告愿主在耶路撒冷城墙上兴起更多的守望者,祷告不静默。 (赛六二6~7。)


Prayer to Be Vigilant

7 月 11, 2020

祷告使圣徒警备,在争战的日子祷告,抵挡魔鬼和他毁坏的阴谋。 (彼前五8~9上,雅四7。)


Prayer to Be on Guard

7 月 10, 2020



Prayer to be Sober-Minded

7 月 9, 2020



Prayer to be Alert

7 月 8, 2020



Prayer for Watchfulness

7 月 7, 2020

祷告使圣徒,就是白昼之子,不致睡觉,乃要儆醒祷告。 (路二二46,帖前五5~6。)


Prayer for Strengthening

7 月 6, 2020



Prayer to prepare the wedding garment, to be beautified with Christ, and to fight the battle against God’s enemy

6 月 28, 2020

Pray that we will prepare our wedding garment of “fine linen, bright and clean,” the fine linen being the righteousnesses of the saints, by living out Christ as our subjective and surpassing righteousness; that we will be beautified by Christ being wrought into us and being expressed through us as our beauty; and that we will fight the battle against God’s enemy and overcome him by speaking the word of God (Rev. 19:8; Phil. 3:9; Matt. 5:20; Eph. 3:17a; 5:26-27; S. S. 1:15; Eph. 6:11; Rev. 12:11; 19:13).
