Day 35: Prayer to be today’s overcomers who live, grow, express, and propagate Christ

Pray that in order to be today’s overcomers as God’s dispensational instrument, we will redeem the time, knowing God’s will, seizing and making the most of opportunities, and being faithful to live, grow, express, and propagate Christ in every respect for the building up of His Body (Rev. 2:7; Eph. 5:16; Psa. 90:12; Col. 1:9-10; Dan. 11:32b; Phil. 1:20-21a; Eph. 4:15).


弗 5:16 要赎回光阴,因为日子邪恶。

诗 90:12 求你指教我们怎样数算自己的日子,好叫我们得着智慧的心。

西 1:9~10 所以,我们自从听见的日子,也就为你们不住地祷告祈求,愿你们在一切属灵的智慧和悟性上,充分认识神的旨意,行事为人配得过主,以致凡事蒙祂喜悦,在一切善工上结果子,借着认识神而长大,

但 11:32下 ……惟独认识神的子民,必刚强行事。


弗四15 惟在爱里持守着真实,我们就得以在一切事上长到祂,就是元首基督里面;

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