Day 32: Prayer to be God’s dispensational instrument for God’s age-turning move

Pray that we will be God’s dispensational instrument, those through whom He can make an age-turning move, by being absolutely consecrated to God and separated unto God from an age that follows Satan, by joining ourselves to God’s desire through His Word, by being a man of prayer with an excellent spirit, a man living under God’s rule in the reality of the kingdom of the heavens, and by being a self-sacrificing person with the spirit of martyrdom (Dan. 1:8; 6:3, 10; 9:23; Num. 6:2-3, 5; Psa. 110:3; Rev. 12:11).

但 1:8 但以理却立定心意,不以王的膳和王所饮的酒玷污自己,所以求太监长容他不玷污自己。 

但 6:3 因这但以理有美好的灵,所以显然超乎其余的总长和总督,王又想立他治理通国。


民 6:2~3 你要对以色列人说,无论男女许了特别的愿,就是拿细耳人的愿,要将自己分别出来归给耶和华,他就要远离淡酒和浓酒,也不可喝淡酒或浓酒作的醋;不可喝什么葡萄汁,也不可吃鲜葡萄或干葡萄。

民 6:5 在他许愿分别出来的一切日子,不可用剃刀剃头。他要成为圣别,直到他将自己分别出来归耶和华的日子满了;他要任由发绺长长。



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