Prayer that the Lord would raise up a strong testimony of His recovery in the Bible Belt


徒一8 - 但聖靈降臨在你們身上,你們就必得著能力,並要在耶路撒冷、猶太全地、撒瑪利亞,直到地極,作我的見證人。

Acts 8:4-5—Those therefore who were scattered went throughout the land announcing the word as the gospel. And Philip went down to the city of Samaria and proclaimed the Christ to them.

1 Thes. 1:8—For from you the word of the Lord has sounded out; not only in Macedonia and in Achaia, but in every place, your faith toward God has gone out, so that we have no need of saying anything.

For further reading please refer to 李常受文集,一九八一,, vol. 1, “Carrying Out God’s New Testament Economy,” pp. 37, 384-385; 李常受文集,一九八四, vol. 1, “Bringing the Saints into the Lord’s Up-to-date Vision and Move in His Recovery,” p. 90; and (李常受文集,一九八五,, vol. 5, “The Way to Practice the Lord’s Present Move,” pp. 458-459.