Day 356: Prayer for the saints to engage in spiritual warfare for the Lord’s move in the United States

Pray that the saints would see the struggle in the United States because it is a crucial country that affects the entire world situation related to the Lord’s move, and that they would be today’s Joshua and Caleb fighting against Satan’s aerial forces to gain more of Christ for the building up of the Body of Christ, setting up and spreading the kingdom of God so that Christ can come back to inherit the earth (Dan. 10:12-13; Eph. 6:10-12, 18-19).

但十12-13 - 他說,但以理啊,不要懼怕,因為從你第一日專心求明白這事,又在你神面前刻苦自己,你的言語已蒙垂聽;我是因你的言語而來。但波斯國的魔君,攔阻我二十一日;然而大君中的一位米迦勒來幫助我,因我單獨滯留在波斯諸王那裏。

弗六10-12, 18-19 - 末了的話,你們要在主裡,靠著祂力量的權能,得著加力。要穿戴神全副的軍裝,使你們能以站住,抵擋魔鬼的詭計,因我們並不是與血肉之人摔跤,乃是與那些執政的、掌權的、管轄這黑暗世界的、以及諸天界裡那邪惡的屬靈勢力摔跤...…時時在靈裡禱告,並盡力堅持,在這事上儆醒,且為眾聖徒祈求,也替我祈求,使我在開口的時候,有發表賜給我,好放膽講明福音的奧祕。

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