Archive for 8 月 2021
Prayer for the trainees to diligently practice the cultivation of their spiritual capacity
Pray that the trainees would diligently practice the cultivation of their spiritual capacity in the preaching of the gospel, the nourishing of the young believers, the perfecting of the saints, and the prophesying of the word of God for the building up of the local churches, consummating in the building up of the Body of…
更多...Prayer for the trainees to be equipped in the realization of the divine truths
Pray that the trainees would be equipped in the realization of the divine truths according to the Scriptures by the revelation of the Holy Spirit and would spend much time and effort to study the truth so that they may be fully equipped for the Lord’s service (1 Tim. 2:4 and note 42; 2 Tim.…
更多...Prayer for the trainees to be built up in Christ in the growth in life unto maturity
更多...Prayer for the saints to learn, in worshipping the Father, to link the worship of the Father to the remembrance of the Lord
Pray that, in the Lord’s table meeting, the saints would learn to link the section on worshipping the Father to the section on the remembrance of the Lord and would follow the Spirit’s leading to call hymns and offer praises according to the Father’s being and attributes (John 17:6, 26; see Hymns, Table of Contents…
更多...Prayer for the saints to learn to function in the Lord’s table meeting in a coordinated way
更多...Prayer for the saints to learn to speak hymns to one another and to sing hymns in their daily life
Pray that the saints would learn to speak Christ to one another with the hymns and to sing hymns and spiritual songs in their daily life in order to build up their spirit and their fine and tender feelings to equip themselves to function in the meetings (Eph. 5:18b-19 and notes 191, 192; Col. 3:16…
更多...Prayer for the saints to remember the Lord by selecting hymns and offering praises for the Lord’s person and work
更多...Prayer for the saints to exercise their spirit to sense the atmosphere of the meeting and apply the hymns at the proper time
更多...Prayer for the saints to diligently learn the hymns in order to select appropriate hymns in the meetings
更多...Prayer for the saints to learn to select hymns in the meetings according to the purpose of the hymns and the principle for selecting hymns