Archive for 8 月 2020
Prayer for the Lord to perfect the praise out of the mouths of babes and sucklings to stop the adversary, the enemy, and the avenger
Pray that the Lord would strengthen the smallest and weakest ones and perfect the praise they offer to Him out of their mouths, to stop the adversary, the enemy, and the avenger (Matt. 21:16; Psa. 8:1-21-3).
更多...Prayer for the saints to realize that nothing moves the Lord’s hand as quickly as our praise to Him
更多...Prayer for the saints to learn to offer the sacrifice of praise that brings them to the throne
更多...Prayer for the saints to apprehend that prayer is a warfare but praise is a victory
更多...Prayer for the saints to realize that all the spiritual work in God’s economy is a warfare
更多...Prayer for the saints’ prayer life to have a solid base
更多...Prayer for the saints’ prayer to be sustained by having the building of the church in view
禱告聖徒藉著“比撒列”的幫助,就是藉著顧到帳幕—教會的建造,使禱告得以維持,以與神建造的仇敵,就是亞瑪力人—肉體爭戰(太十六18- 19;弗一17-18, 22-23;彼前二5)。
更多...Prayer for the saints prayer to be sustained by the kingship—by their obedience to the Lord’s inner ruling
更多...Prayer for the saints’ prayer to be sustained by the priesthood—by the strengthening of their spirit
更多...Prayer for the saints’ fighting against Amalek, the flesh, by praying with the interceding Christ