Many matters require the church’s prayer. The items of prayer listed below are offered as a help to focus and enrich the prayer of the saints and of the churches. They are not meant to be restrictive or exhaustive, nor are they meant to be legally adopted. In the end, it is the Spirit who intercedes for us, in us, and through us according to God and His will. The intercessors’ responsibility is to be one spirit with the Lord and one mind with Christ to discharge the inner burden with Spirit-inspired utterances. In light of the current world situation, let us persevere in prayer with a strong spirit.
Pray that all the saints would realize that preaching the gospel has a reward and that they would run in order to lay hold of the prize (1 Cor. 9:16-17, 23-24).
Read morePray that all the churches would make a turn from barrenness to fruitfulness, raising up at least one-fifth of the saints in each locality to labor to gain the increase of the church, the solid members for the solid building (Acts 2:47; 5:14; 6:7; 8:4; Hymns, #923, ss. 1, 4).
Read morePray that the Lord would make each of the saints, as His lovers, a winner of sinners who spends two to three hours each week to contact individuals for their salvation, carrying this out as a business (Acts 8:29-35; Luke 19:13).
Read morePray that the saints would become endeavoring in fruit-bearing, redeeming their time by getting companions, praying for their relatives and acquaintances, writing to them, making appointments, and going to visit them (John 15:16; Luke 10:1-2; 19:5-6, 9-10).
Read morePray that the saints would make a definite plan with a schedule of their time to personally contact people every week for fruit-bearing (John 1:40-46; Hymns, #922).
Read morePray that the saints would be revived by the Lord each morning by having a vital, living, active morning revival with the Lord so that they may contact people as fruit-bearing branches of Christ (Prov. 4:18 and 181; Lam. 3:22-24, notes 231 and 241; John 15:7-8; Hymns, #554, ss. 1-2).
Read morePray that the saints would take a simple way to bear fruit by first making a vow to the Lord to spend two to three hours each week contacting people to bear them as fruit (John 15:5, 16).
Read morePray that all the saints would have a breakthrough in gaining people for the Lord themselves by learning how to bear fruit and practicing fruit-bearing continually (John 15:1-2, 6, 16).
Read morePray that the saints would become burdened to bear fruit and would rise up to preach the gospel in order to beget spiritual children (1 Cor. 4:15; 1 Tim. 1:2; Titus 1:4; 1 Thes. 2:7, 11; Hymns, #930, stanzas 1, 4).
Read morePray that the saints would fellowship with one another over the matter of contacting people so that they may learn together and become very experienced in reaching people (Phil. 1:3-5, 27; Hymns, #1295, stanzas 1, 4).
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