Archive for 11월 2020
Prayer for the saints to live in the reality of the church as a house of prayer
성도들이 그리스도의 몸인 교회의 실재, 곧 기도의 집 안에서 살면서 하나님의 갈망을 이루고 하나님의 뜻을 수행하며 하나님의 경륜의 성취를 위해 기도할 수 있도록 기도합시다(사 56:7, 막 11:17상, 히 3:6, 마 6:9-10).
전체 안내 읽기Prayer for the saints to pray the prayer of the age
모든 교회들 안에 있는 성도들이 하나님의 경륜의 수행을 위하여 승천하신 주님이자 몸의 머리이신 그리스도의 권위를 행사함으로써 강화되어 시대의 기도, 그리스도의 몸인 교회의 기도를 할 수 있도록 기도합시다(사 45:11, 62:6-7, 겔 36:37, 마 18:18-19).
전체 안내 읽기Prayer for the saints to set their hope on the new heavens and a new earth, in which righteousness dwells, and to be found by the Lord in peace
Pray that the saints would not set their hope on the visible elements but on what the word of God promises as their destiny, that is, the new heavens and a new earth, in which righteousness dwells, and that they would be diligent to be found by the Lord in peace as the fruit of…
전체 안내 읽기Prayer for the saints to live the church life in the reality of the kingdom today
Pray that the saints would live the church life in the reality of the kingdom today—a life of righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit (Rom. 14:17, 171 and 172).
전체 안내 읽기Prayer for the saints to be righteous by walking according to the spirit that they may be conformed to Christ’s image
Pray that the saints would daily cooperate with the inward working of the Spirit of life by walking according to the mingled spirit, causing them to spontaneously be righteous that they may be conformed to Christ’s image (Rom. 8:2, 4, 41 and 42, 29 and 293).
전체 안내 읽기Prayer for the saints to hunger and thirst for righteousness, to be willing to be persecuted for it, to live it out, and to seek it
Pray that the saints would hunger and thirst for righteousness, be willing to be persecuted for it, live it out by taking Christ as their life according to the new law of life, and seek it along with God’s kingdom in the reality of the church life today (Matt. 5:6 and 61, 10 and 101,…
전체 안내 읽기Prayer for the saints to realize the source of wickedness and the way of restriction
Pray that the saints would realize the source of wickedness—holding down the truth in unrighteousness, disapproving of holding God in full knowledge, not glorifying God nor worshipping Him, and exchanging God for idols. Pray also that all the saints, especially the young people, would know the way of restriction from wickedness and would practice this…
전체 안내 읽기Prayer for the saints to know Christ, who is righteousness and whose reign is in uprightness
성도들이 그리스도를 의로우신 분으로 알고, 의를 사랑하시고 불법을 미워하시는 분이시자 하나님의 왕국 안에서 그분이 올곧은 지휘봉을 가지고 왕으로서 다스리는 분이신 그분의 동반자들이 될 수 있도록 기도합시다(렘 23:5-6, 시 45:3-7, 히 1:8-9).
전체 안내 읽기Prayer for the saints to see righteousness as one of God’s main attributes and the foundation of His throne
Pray that the saints would see God’s righteousness as one of the main attributes of His nature, the foundation of His throne, and the supporting base upon which all things rest (Psa. 89:14 and 141; Isa. 32:1 and 12; Heb. 1:8).
전체 안내 읽기Prayer for Christ as the Head to rule over the world situation through the church as His Body
만물 위에 머리로서 교회에게 주어지신 높여지신 그리스도께서 그분의 몸인 교회를 통해 세계 정세 전체에 대해 그분의 통치를 집행하시도록 기도합시다(엡 1:22-23).
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