Day 55: Praying the prayer of authority—Praying downward

Pray that all the saints, as the church, would learn to pray the prayers of authority, the downward prayers that begin from a heavenly position of victory and go from heaven to earth, standing in the position that Christ has given us in the heavenlies, commanding Satan with authority, rejecting all his works, and proclaiming with authority that all God’s commands should be accomplished (Eph. 6:18-19a; Isa. 45:11).

Ef. 6:18-19a—Con toda oración y petición orando en todo tiempo en el espíritu, y para ello velando con toda perseverancia y petición por todos los santos; y por mí.

Is. 45:11—Así dice Jehová, el Santo de Israel y Aquel que lo formó: Preguntadme de las cosas por venir acerca de Mis hijos, y mandadme acerca de la obra de Mis manos.

For further reading please refer to CWWN, vol. 22, “The Prayer Ministry of the Church,” pp. 194-195.

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