Archive for 12 月 2020
Prayer for the saints to realize that preaching the gospel has a reward and for them to run in order to lay hold of the prize
更多...Prayer for the churches to make a turn from barrenness to fruitfulness, having at least one-fifth of the saints working to gain the increase of the church
祷告使众召会从不结果子转成结果子,在各地兴起至少五分之一的圣徒,劳苦为召会得着繁增,为扎实的建造得着扎实的肢体(徒二47,五14 ,六7,八4,诗歌666首,第1、4节)。
更多...Prayer for each one of the Lord’s lovers to be a winner of sinners who spends two to three hours each week to contact individuals
更多...Prayer for the saints to be endeavoring in fruit-bearing by getting companions, praying for their acquaintances, writing to them, and visiting them
祷告使圣徒借着得着同伴、为认识的人祷告、写信给他们、并探访他们,而竭力结果子(约十五16,路十1~2,十九5~6,9~10) 。
更多...Prayer for the saints to make a definite plan with a schedule for their personal contacting of people each week for fruit-bearing
更多...Prayer for the saints to be revived by the Lord each morning in order to be fruit-bearing branches of Christ
祷告使圣徒每早晨与主有活力、活泼、活跃的晨兴而得主复兴,好叫他们作基督结果子的枝子而接触人(箴四18及注1,哀三22~24,23节注1 ,24节注1,约十五7~8,诗歌417首,第1至2节)。
更多...Prayer for the saints to make a vow to the Lord to spend definite weekly times contacting people for their salvation
更多...Prayer for all the saints to have a breakthrough in gaining people for the Lord by learning how to bear fruit and practicing fruit-bearing continually
更多...Prayer for the saints to be burdened to bear fruit, to beget spiritual children
更多...Prayer for the saints to fellowship with one another over the matter of contacting people that they may learn together