Archive for 10 月 2020
Prayer for the saints to learn the secret of defeating chaos and of coming back to God’s economy
更多...Prayer for the saints to see that God in His economy is producing the new creation out of the chaotic old creation
Pray for the saints to see that God’s intention is to produce the new creation out of the chaotic old creation. Pray also that even in the midst of the present chaos the saints would participate in God’s economy to become a new creation (2 Cor. 5:17; Gal. 6:15).
更多...Prayer for the saints to not be discouraged by the satanic chaos but to focus on the divine economy
Pray that in the midst of the present world situation the saints would not be discouraged by the satanic chaos but would realize that the satanic chaos always goes along with the divine economy (Psa. 8:1-4, 23 and 31; Isa. 6:1a and 11).
更多...Prayer for the Lord to preserve the United States as a base for the spreading of His recovery throughout the earth
更多...Prayer for God to preserve the United States as a refuge for His persecuted people during the tribulation
更多...Prayer for the keeping of a peaceful situation in the United States and throughout the globe for the word of the Lord’s recovery to spread
更多...Prayer to thank the Lord for the freedom of speech and to ask Him to preserve it so that the release of the truth may continue
Pray to thank the Lord for the freedom of speech in the United States and to ask Him to sovereignly preserve this freedom so that the release of the truths of the Lord’s recovery may continue without restriction or fear for the increase and building up of His Body (2 Thes. 3:1-2; Acts 6:7; 12:24;…
更多...Prayer for the Lord’s sovereign ruling in the world situation to preserve America’s leadership that He may accomplish His purpose
更多...Prayer for the saints to realize how God has preserved the United States for His purpose
祷告使圣徒领悟,神为着祂的旨意,主宰的保守美国,守望美国,是要为着祂经纶的中心异象得着一班人,他们活基督,作祂活的身体(徒十七26 ,腓一21上,西二19)。
更多...Prayer for the saints to see the world situation in relation to God’s move on earth
Pray that the saints would have a clear vision of the world situation in relation to God’s move on earth to carry out His recovery (Acts 17:26-27 and notes 261-2; Dan. 2:21; 4:17).