Day 33: Prayer for Watchfulness

성도들이 빛의 아들들로서 잠에서 깨어나 기도할 수 있도록 기도합시다(눅 22:46, 살전 5:5-6)

Luke 22:46And He said to them, Why are you sleeping? Rise up and pray that you may not enter into temptation.

1 Thes. 5:5-6For you are all sons of light and sons of the day. We are not of the night nor of darkness. So then let us not sleep, as the rest do, but let us watch and be sober.

추가로 참고할 내용( 위트니스 리 전집, 1980년판, vol. 1, “Perfecting Training,” ch. 14, p. 160.

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