1. Prayer for Christ as the Head to rule over the world situation through the church as His Body 2. Prayer for the Lord to administrate over the world leaders and the world situation by the flaming of the seven Spirits 3. Prayer for the Lord as the Ruler of the kings of the earth to arrange the situations of the world and the environment of God’s chosen people 4. Prayer concerning kings and all who are in high position 5. Prayer for God to place in positions of power those whom He wills 6. Prayer for the saints to not be discouraged by the satanic chaos but to focus on the divine economy 7. Prayer for the Lord to preserve the United States as a base for the spreading of His recovery throughout the earth 8. Prayer for the saints to see the world situation in relation to God’s move on earth 9. Prayer to see the excellent Christ 10. Prayer to see a spiritual vision of the throne of God and the ruling of the heavens 11. Prayer to be men on earth with God’s heart