1. Prayer for the young people to grow in life and in the knowledge of the truth 2. Prayer for the trainees to be equipped in the realization of the divine truths 3. Prayer for the saints to spread the Lord’s recovery by propagating the divine truth 4. Prayer for the saints to develop the skill to present the truth and be burdened to present the truth to others 5. Prayer for the saints to be saturated with the truth to the extent that they can share it with others spontaneously 6. Prayer for the saints to know the Lord as the truth so that they may experience Him as life 7. Prayer for the saints to set aside time daily to acquire a solid knowledge of the New Testament ministry 8. Prayer for the saints to set their heart to learn the truth 9. Prayer for the saints to see their need to come to the full knowledge of the truth 10. Prayer for the saints to shoe their feet with the gospel of peace in order to fight the spiritual warfare 11. Prayer for the saints to gird their loins with truth and to put on the breastplate of righteousness in order to fight the spiritual warfare 12. Prayer for the saints to take the teaching of the apostles as the holding factor of the one accord