

弗四22-24 - 在從前的生活樣式上,脫去了舊人,這舊人是照著那迷惑的情慾敗壞的;而在你們心思的靈裡得以更新,並且穿上了新人,這新人是照著神,在那實際的義和聖中所創造的。

西三10-11 - 並且穿上了新人;這新人照著創造他者的形像漸漸更新,以致有充足的知識;在此並沒有希利尼人和猶太人、受割禮的和未受割禮的、化外人、西古提人、為奴的、自主的,惟有基督是一切,又在一切之內。


Geographically speaking, the Lord has raised up a country for His purpose in the very center of the inhabited earth. As an American citizen holding an American passport, you may travel throughout the whole world, in the same way that Paul, as a Jew with Roman citizenship, could travel throughout the Roman Empire (cf. Acts 22:25-29). When mainland China was lost to the Communists in 1949, I could not sleep or eat well. I was very sorrowful over the loss of that country and hundreds of churches. But now, since I have realized the situation today, I am happy that I am here in the United States. To be here is much better than to be in my hometown in mainland China. We all have to give thanks to the Lord that we are in the United States, in the center of the inhabited earth for the perfection of the new man that God intends to have in His economy. (李常受文集,一九七七一個新人 第三章)

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