Prayer for the saints to exercise their spirit to sense the atmosphere of the meeting and apply the hymns at the proper time

성도들이 그들의 영을 훈련하여 집회의 분위기를 감지하고 집회의 초점을 분별하며 그들의 영의 감각에 따라 합당한 시간에 찬송을 적용할 수 있도록 기도합시다(아 7:4과 각주 1, 빌 1:9-10, 찬송가 , 866장 1-2, 9-10절).

S.S. 7:4—Your neck is like a tower of ivory; / Your eyes, like the pools in Heshbon / By the gate of Bath-rabbim; / Your nose is like the tower of Lebanon, / Which faces Damascus.

Phil. 1:9-10—And this I pray, that your love may abound yet more and more in full knowledge and all discernment, so that you may approve by testing the things which differ and are more excellent, that you may be pure and without offense unto the day of Christ.

추가로 참고할 내용( CWWL, 1964, vol. 3, “Basic Principles for the Church Meetings,” ch. 1, p. 5 and CWWL, 1979, vol. 2, “Basic Lessons on Service,” Lesson 4, p. 29.

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